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Friday, May 20, 2005


So maybe the whole thing's a rumor...

This is from the media Q&A session with Lucas at Celebration III (from TFN):

"Another box set is in the works: Looks like a 6 disc box set with all episodes 1-6. Possibly a 7th disc, maybe with deleted scenes from the original trilogy. He was asked if he would be changing things again in the movies, prequels or original. He replied that everything is the way he wants them now. As far as the rumored super archival edition due out in 2007 on super hi-def dvd, there is no truth to that."

So, Lucas himself says there will be no Archival Edition. He says a lot of things, though... Either way, I'll still post my thoughts on V and VI, for conversation purposes if nothing else. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if Lucas is full of it. Case in point: Indy 4. He's gone back and forth on that a few dozen times, and as of now, it's supposedly still on. So who knows? I don't know if he thinks he's being secretive when he says crap like this, or if he really thinks it's true, or if it really is true.

It would be lame for him to not do it. We (Netty, Aaron, and I) watched IV and V today and started noticing things that could really stand to be changed. Example: Ben tells Luke to go see Yoda, "the Jedi Master who instructed me." Um, no. "A Jedi Master who instructed me," maybe. Plus, characters like Yoda and the Emperor, who we're already familiar with by Episode IV don't show up now for a whole Episode. People watching the movies for the first time, in order, will be wondering what happened to these guys in A New Hope. And there are several other reasons to do it, which I'll discuss later. Because it's time to sleep now.


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