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Thursday, May 19, 2005

Episode I

Any changes you make to this one can only be an improvement, right? Well, maybe. Let's go through the list of rumors (again, from http://www.thetrukstop.com/starwars/archival.html), with my comments in [brackets].

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

01. The cut scene of Obi-Wan emerging, Apocolypse Now style, from the swamp after hiding from droids has been restored. He tries to navigate the forest without being noticed when a battle droid spots him. Obi-Wan ignites his lightsaber cutting the droid in two. Then two STAPs spot him and as he raises his lightsaber to deflect the attacks it shorts out forcing him to flee. Qui-Gon takes care of them and then scolds Obi-Wan for leaving his lightsaber power on and forgetting to recharge it.

[First change on the list, and it's fairly useless. I can't see a downside to it, though, so it only means more lightsabers. And that's fine, I suppose.]

02. A new scene was shot with extras during Episode III showing the people of Naboo in concentration camps.

[I like this one. It would make the war on Naboo seem more threatening--as it is, it feels like all the citizens of Theed just disappeared when the droid army showed up.]

03. The cut scene of Qui-Gon discovering the probe droid has been restored and a second CG probe droid has been added in the background to witness the attack and report it to Darth Maul.

[I don't see any reason for this. And besides, wouldn't this take out the element of surprise for Maul when he first attacks Qui-Gon?]

04. A version of Across the Stars has been added to the scene between Anakin and Padme on the Naboo ship.

[Also called the Love Theme, we hear it several times in II and III. If you're not familiar with the soundtracks, go here and listen to a sample. I approve of the change.]

05. Yoda is CG.

[A definite yes. Yoda looked like crap in this movie, and the CG Yoda in II was done very well, in my opinion.]

06. Jimmy Smits shot a new Senate scene as Bail Organa during the filming of Episode III.

[Oh, I suppose. It's hard to have an opinion one way or the other without knowing what the scene is.

07. There's a new scene featuring Count Dooku talking to Qui-Gon via hologram.

[Yes. Dooku just randomly shows up in Episode II. Padme, talking about the attack on her ship, says, "I think Count Dooku is behind it," and we all say "Who the crap?" It makes sense for us to know about him earlier, especially if Qui-Gon was his apprentice.]

08. Count Dooku now shows up at Qui-Gon's funeral. Chris Lee shot the new scene against bluescreen. He walks up to Yoda and Mace and says, "This is the final straw!" and starts to walk away. Yoda follows him and tries to talk some sense into him. Dooku then tells Yoda he will no longer serve a corrupt Senate and that he is quiting the Jedi Order. Yoda goes back to the funeral. Then he says his line, "Always two there are. No more, no less. A master and an apprentice."

[It doesn't seem very likely that this one would happen, but if it does...eh. I could go either way on this.]

So those are the rumors for Episode I. The prequels haven't been around long enough for anyone to care too much about changes. The thing I wanted to see but didn't was, obviously, a change in Jar-Jar Binks. As much fun as it would be, we don't need to see him killed, or have him removed entirely--which would be impossible anyway. It would make the movie so much better, though, if they'd simply redo his voice. I don't even mind the bad English (or Basic, for all the die-hards out there). That's just a quirk of Gungans in general, and it doesn't bother me. Just get rid of annoying voice. Please, Lucas? I'll be your friend forever...


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